Are you a dog momma and want your little baby to have a glam life? Well, here’s some inspiration for you.
Have a look at these Top 10 Famous Dogs of Instagram who’ve had all the attention of the world and will make your heart skip a beat!
Their feed will give you some major doggo goals and you can raise your baby, right to that pedestal!
1. Doug The Pug

Pugs have always been our spirit animals, Haven’t they? Referred to as the King of Pop Culture, you can spot him dressed up in gumboots and exploring the world. With a massive following of 4 million on gram, this pug is worth every follow and will surely brighten your day!
Next time somebody asks you WHO IS THE MOST FAMOUS DOG ON INSTAGRAM? Tell them about Pug!
Follow him on Instagram-
2. Tecuaniventura

The Bulldog Blogger, is well known for being Photogenic as he can often be spotted dressed up with precision and finesse.
He puts up in Russia and has acquired over 2.2 Million followers on gram!
Follow him on Instagram-
3. Jiffpom

A little Pomeranian fluff nugget, Jiffpom is the cutest you could ever come across. Bringing laurels by making two Guinness world records for running on his front and back paws, Jiffpom has more than a dozen of fan accounts and a family of 10.2 Million followers which makes him the MOST FOLLOWED DOG ON INSTAGRAM IN 2021.
Follow him on Instagram-
4. Kingsley the Dachshund

Australia’s favourite dachshund, Kingsley gives out some major life goals. You can spot him way too often, chilling in bed – binging upon some favourite snacks and also getting dressed up for some special occasions.
Follow him on Instagram-
5. Maya the Samoyed

Looking for synonyms for Fluffy, whoop! Maya is the name. This two-year-old doggo has a family of 1.9 million on gram, and she loves to nom on human snacks!
Follow this little baby and you’ll have a daily dose of doggo content to aww upon!
Follow him on Instagram-
6. Chloe and Django

Always wanted to travel across the world? Well, It’s time for some jealousy for these two bff’s have travelled to a lot more countries than any of us would ever have. Follow these cute pups to see them pictured in the most beautiful white sanded beaches of Rio, and you’ll know HOW MUCH DO FAMOUS INSTAGRAM DOGS MAKE?
Follow Them on Instagram-
7. Tuna melts my heart

Ever seen a doggo spread positivity? Tuna is the one. This 8-year-old Chiweenie’s account raises awareness for rescue groups along with a daily dose of laughter, which has helped her raise a family of 2.1 million followers on Instagram!
Follow him on Instagram-
8. Dougie The Shih Tzu

One of my favourite breeds, this baby shih tzu is one of their funniest you could ever come across! Do follow this fancy furball and you’ll fall in love with his funny feed.
Follow him on Instagram-
9. Maru Taro

A famous Japanese Shiba, Maru Taro has a family of 2.5 million followers on Instagram but what’s more surprising is that he has more than 10.2k pictures on his feed. Follow this cute doggo and you get a hell lot of content to binge upon.
Follow him on Instagram-
10. Menswear Dog

Tagged as the most stylish dog in the world, Bodhi is well-known for he gets dressed up like a man! Handsome and stylish in his own way, this doggo will definitely take your heart away!
Follow him on Instagram-
This was a list of MOST FAMOUS DOGS ON INSTAGRAM IN 2021. Hope you enjoyed these babies and got the right answer to HOW CAN I MAKE MY DOG FAMOUS ON INSTAGRAM?
Do share your personal favorites, and we’ll feature them in our next list!
Also, do not forget to use the BEST DOG INSTAGRAM HASHTAGS while posting their pictures.